Sunday, October 16, 2011

Hell's Kitchen (episode 4)

Today's menu theme - Chicken Main Courses, Vegetables and Starch..

Western Dishes

Spaghetti Bolognese served with Chicken Sauce made from Demi-glace, Cheddar and Parmesan cheese

Chicken Chop served with Mushroom Sauce made from Demi-glace, Baked Jacketted Potato with Sour Sauce and Al-dente Sauteed Vegetables

Poached Chicken Breast served with Garlic Sauce, William Potatoes and Ratatouille

Eastern Dishes

Capitan Chicken Curry served with White Rice and Stir-Fried Vegetables

Nasi Lemak Kukus served with Ayam Masak Merah, Acar Rampai and Fried Nuts and Anchovies

p/s - dah boleh bukak kafe lah mcm ni..gulingkan pak man..haha


Hawa Ahmady said...

sedapnye..!! nakk..!!!

Unknown said...

yeeeaaa...nnt blik jb msak utk sy..


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